Could Amino Acids really HELP?
When Dan and I began our health journey it started with food. As time when on it turned into supplements, then cleaning up our home environment. The journey became a gradual effort that resulted in Dan saying good bye to his asthma meds for good.
Yes. Read that again.
Dan said good bye to his asthma meds.... for good.
Here's Dan with our youngest daughter.
As we began sharing our asthma recovery story, we wanted to pinpoint what exactly was most integral, for Dan, in weening off of his inhalers.
Side note: Dan did not intentionally ween off of his asthma medications... he would forget to use them because he felt so good, and one day he announced,
"I haven't used an inhaler in weeks!"
That's when we realized we were onto something amazing!
As we incorporated more supplements into our daily lives, we included drinking a wolfberry purée drink and adding in an organic form of natural, plant based sulfur powder. We also take a sulfur supplement, in capsule form every night. Both of these nutritionals are fabulous amino acids!
Amino Acids are amazing for decreasing inflammation.
Why would someone with respiratory issues (or anyone for that matter) want to decrease inflammation?
Amino Acids, because of their anti-inflammatory properties, may ease asthma symptoms.
Ani-inflammatories stops the lungs from swelling and narrowing when a trigger is present.
This swelling and narrowing of airways makes breathing difficult!
So now rather than using a long-acting bronchodilator, we manage Dan's pulmonary disease with daily sulfur supplements. In fact, when presented with a trigger, we've made our wolfberry drink with sulfur, rather than using a fast acting rescue inhaler.
The best part of Dan getting off of his medications, was no more side effects.
There was a time that Dan was extremely angry, irritable and down right intolerant. I would walk on egg shells because he was quick to shift into a foul mood. His temperament did not make for a loving marriage, and I wondered why he was so miserable and what was the root cause.
I go into more info about the side effects Dan suffered in my Asthma Medication Side Effects post.
Nowadays, Dan is full of love and joy and has an incredible zest for life! I can honestly say he is completely different now. The debilitating effects he suffered are gone and instead of fearing a breakdown in his system as he ages, Dan embraces building strength, endurance and wellness!
If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.
We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
xoxo Liz
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