There was a time in my life that I fell overwhelmed, uncertain, like my nerves were on edge. I would get nervous in the car, and feel off. Like the strong person I once was had left the building.
A very dear friend of mine discovered that she felt the same way, but it was mostly triggered when she wore cosmetics.
What? I doubt it, plus I am a makeup girl. There is no way I am going through life without my "face" on!
A very dear friend of mine discovered that she felt the same way, but it was mostly triggered when she wore cosmetics.
What? I doubt it, plus I am a makeup girl. There is no way I am going through life without my "face" on!

What about fragrance in other products? Shampoo, aftershave, lotions, and Makeup!
One of my favorite things to do was to go to Nordstrom and buy new lipsticks, try different foundations, and of course we can't forget skin care!
Different makeup techniques and products are some of my favorite things! I love getting dolled up and feeling pretty <3
What the heck was I to do if makeup was actually causing me and my family harm? I kiss my kids and husband while wearing makeup.
Then I remembered my friend and her discovery years ago! Could it be that toxic makeup was actually affecting how she felt?
I didn't even want to think about not wearing makeup, it's not happening!
So I began to research, thanks Google! And I found a few, very few, clean makeup brands with plant based options. I ordered some and gave them a try. Some were okay. Not the Department Store Quality I was used to, but at least there were options.
I didn't even want to think about not wearing makeup, it's not happening!
So I began to research, thanks Google! And I found a few, very few, clean makeup brands with plant based options. I ordered some and gave them a try. Some were okay. Not the Department Store Quality I was used to, but at least there were options.
There brands I would stay away from are Arbonne and Tarte. Mostly because they are not as clean as they lead you to believe.
Companies I like a lot are Omiana, and 100 Percent Pure, with my favorite being
Companies I like a lot are Omiana, and 100 Percent Pure, with my favorite being
Savvy Minerals.
With Savvy you will NEVER find:
Bismuth, Carmine, Coal tar, Dimethicone, Formaldehyde, Hydroquinone, Lake dye, Mineral oil, Nano particles, Oxybenzone, Parabens, Petroleum based ingredients, Phthalates, Polypropylene, Silicone, Sulfates, Synthetic colorants, Synthetic fragrances, Synthetic preservatives, Talc, Triclocarban, or Triclosan.
Savvy will also never use any of the 1,328 banned ingredients on the European Union banned cosmetic list.
What I want you to know is... you can make the switch! And when you do, I want to hear about it!
Bismuth, Carmine, Coal tar, Dimethicone, Formaldehyde, Hydroquinone, Lake dye, Mineral oil, Nano particles, Oxybenzone, Parabens, Petroleum based ingredients, Phthalates, Polypropylene, Silicone, Sulfates, Synthetic colorants, Synthetic fragrances, Synthetic preservatives, Talc, Triclocarban, or Triclosan.
Savvy will also never use any of the 1,328 banned ingredients on the European Union banned cosmetic list.
What I want you to know is... you can make the switch! And when you do, I want to hear about it!
My friend noticed that her feelings of being unsettled, overwhelm, and not being herself all went away when she swapped out toxic makeup for cosmetics that were good for her!
If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.
We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
xoxo Liz
Found this information helpful? Then you you will LOVE my 3 step formula to improve lung health! Check it out right here!

I've talked recently about asthma triggers, and one of the WORST offenders are dryer sheets.
Dan and I were standing in Whole Foods last week, and suddenly we were bowled over by the smell of dryer sheets! I turned to Dan and asked, "Is someone doing laundry?", we then both looked over at the woman who had just passed by us... she left a trail of toxic fragrance in our wake! She must have used way more than one dryer sheet!
I usually smell dryer sheets on people at the airport, while scanning carry-on luggage. One or two people need to open their suitcase, and the freshly washed, and dried laundry wafts out a fragrant over load of toxins.
I also notice it in our neighborhood. I'd love to track down exactly the homes using dryer sheets and leave them a basket filled with wool dryer balls... like the Laundry Bunny! Ha!
Have you heard of wool dryer balls? Not only are they non toxic... they are better for the environment! Way less waste! Wool dryer balls can last up to a year! And they are super affordable! And reduce drying time so they save on energy costs too!
Theses are the Organic Wool Dryer Balls that I get. Click the image for product details and to purchase. 

Here are some interesting points I learned about dryer sheets (and other laundry products):
☢️Forty-four percent of scented laundry products tested spewed at least one carcinogenic hazardous air pollutant. Some of these include acetaldehyde, 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde.
☢️Some of the more immediate dangers of synthetic scents in laundry products include migraines, asthma attacks, eye and throat irritation and contact dermatitis.
☢️In one mice study, fabric softening products triggered limited airflow and pulmonary irritation in the animals studied. (7, 8)
☢️In 2009, nearly 10 percent of the general U.S. population reports irritation from scents coming out of dryer vents. By 2016, that number increased to more than 12 percent.
☢️In a study focusing on hormone disruptors and asthma triggers in everyday products, Silent Spring Institute researchers found dryer sheets contained some of the highest concentrations of harmful fragrance chemicals. Compounds like acetyl hexamethyl tetralin, isobornyl acetate and phenethyl alcohol also turned up.
☢️According to EcoWatch, dryer sheets often contain quaternary ammonium compounds, which can trigger asthma attacks. These cautoionic fabric softeners also routinely trigger reproductive toxicity in animals. Acetone in the sheets can trigger dizzy spells and headaches. Aside from that, up to 10 percent of a dryer sheet’s weight could be comprised of fragrance chemicals.
☢️Dryer sheet “grades” vary greatly. Some “F” products contained quaternary ammonium compounds compounds due to their well-known asthma-triggering properties. Other fabric softening compounds routinely used in dryer sheets are considered toxic to wildlife.
Breathe well and take care. You can change your reality one step at a time.
If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.
We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
xoxo Liz
Found this information helpful? Then you you will LOVE my 3 step formula to improve lung health! Check it out right here!
One of the first ways Dan and I started to make our home safer for his lung health, was to identify Asthma triggers. Did you think I would say IDENTIFY and REMOVE? Nope!

Identifying triggers is a whole job in itself. And for us it was truly the very first place to begin...
Here are some household items to look into:
- cleaning products
- perfumes and colognes
- shaving products
- air fresheners
- candles
- laundry products
- hair care products
- lotions
- soaps
- toys
I can't possibly be suggesting that you get rid of everything on this list, am I? Not exactly!
Let's break each of these down a bit more!
Let's start at the top with number one, cleaning products.
I remember when I was old enough to help out with household chores, my mom had me start in the bathroom. I think she figured it was a small space, and I would also learn good life lessons. One of those lessons was which cleaning products not to combine and to open the window!
My mom explained that these cleaners were toxic and I could become ill if I inhaled them for too long and... some could even be deadly if combined! Whoa! And you wanted ME to be in charge of such a dangerous task?
Okay, so back to cleaning products! Most of the conventional cleaners sold in our stores have warnings on the back. And most are extremely toxic to human beings, especially those with pulmonary issues! These cleaners have a strong chemical fragrance that lingers.
Remember, we are just identifying triggers. Go ahead and make a list all of the cleaners in your home with warnings on the labels.
Number two, perfumes and colognes:
Do you, or anyone in your home, wear perfume or cologne? If your answer is yes, add this to your asthma triggers list!
Number three, shaving products:
When I worked as a Pre-K assistant teacher, we often would use shaving cream as an art activity. Shaving creams most usually contain fragrance which is not good for anyone, especially an asthmatic.
I also recall both myself and my oldest daughter, have skin irritation after kissing/snuggling with my husband, Dan. It turns out it was his AFTERSHAVE! Imagine how that aftershave was also affecting his lung health!
Number four, air fresheners.
Air fresheners like plug-ins, sprays, and the ones you find in public restrooms are one of the worst offenders when it comes to respiratory health. Heck, when it comes to health in general! If you have these in your home, put these at the top of the list. You can even jump ahead and just toss these now! I promise everyone in your family will feel better!
Number five, candles.
I know, I know! The ambiance! They are just so pretty! And the smell so yummy!!!
You can do it friend, add these to your list.
I promise it will be okay.
Did you know burning a candle is equivalent to smoking a cigarette???
It's a bummer, but if I was able to do it, I know you can too!
Number six, laundry.
Dryer sheets are up there with candles and air fresheners. And toxic laundry soap (with the same labels as the cleaners) are right behind them.
The worst part about laundry products is they are in the fibers of our clothes. Our clothes are in our closest and dressers, outgassing as we sleep. Our bodies are at rest and we are breathing in those toxins. This was a big discovery for us.
Number seven, hair care.
If you use shampoo or conditioner, hair spray, or styling products, that contain FRAGRANCE, these should be added to the list too.
Number eight, lotions.
Same as 7, if your lotions contain any ingredient that says fragrance, it's not safe. The good news is there are planty of unscented options available!
Number nine, soaps.
Again, same as 7 and 8.
Number ten, toys.
This is one you may not encounter if you aren't a parent, But some kids toys have fragrance added. Remember the Strawberry Shortcake Doll from the 80's? She smelled like strawberries. Toxic, weird strawberries. But it's not just scented toys that are offenders, it's also toys that are plastic. Many outgas into your environment when you take them out of the packaging. A way to avoid this is open them up, outside and let them stay outside for a day or two.
Now that you know what types of items to look for, make a list and I will offer some suggestions in my next blog how to start your journey, eliminating these items little, by little.
The process of cleaning up the air in our home has made a huge difference in my husband, Dan's, respiratory health!
If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.
We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
xoxo Liz
Found this information helpful? Then you you will LOVE my 3 step formula to improve lung health! Check it out right here!