Can I balance my hormones myself?

Can I balance my hormones myself?
Blog Title: How to Balance Your Hormones in Just 5 Steps

Blog Introduction: Let’s face it, moms over 40—balancing hormones can be tricky. One minute you’re feeling great, the next you’re feeling completely overwhelmed. But don’t worry! I have some tips to help you balance your hormones without leaving your house. Read on for five simple steps to help get your hormones back in check!

#1 Get Adequate Sleep
This one should come as no surprise. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to regulating your hormones. Aim for seven to eight hours each night, and if that isn’t possible, take regular naps throughout the day. A good night's rest will ensure that all of your body functions are working as they should be and that your hormones are balanced.

#2 Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is essential for hormone balance because it helps reduce stress levels and encourages a healthy metabolism. Whether it’s going for a walk around the block or doing yoga at home, make sure you schedule some “me time” into your daily routine to boost your mood and keep your hormones in check. Bonus: exercise will also help you sleep at night!

#3 Eat Clean & Balanced Meals
The food we eat has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being, including our hormonal health. Eating clean and balanced meals throughout the day will help keep your metabolism running smoothly and give you more energy throughout the day. Try to incorporate plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into every meal for best results!
#4 Reduce Stress Levels                    
Stress can have a major impact on our body's ability to produce hormones correctly, so it's important to take measures to reduce stress levels whenever possible. Meditation is a great way to do this, as is spending time outdoors or with friends who bring positivity into your life. Taking breaks throughout the day can also help keep stress levels down so that you can focus on other tasks more effectively.   

#5 Take Supplements 
Taking supplements is necessary to get all of the nutrients  your hormones need for balance (especially if following a vegan diet). The supplements which are beneficial  in order to achieve optimal hormonal health are sulfur (I choose a whole food MSM supplement), Vitamins B, C and D, omegas and plant based bio-identical progesterone. Message me and I can point you in the right direction!

Balancing hormones can seem like an impossible task—but it doesn't have to be! With these five simple steps, moms over 40 can find ways to keep their hormones in check naturally from home without any fancy equipment or expensive treatments required! So give these tips a try today—you just might find yourself feeling better than ever before!

How to Identify and Treat Hormonal Imbalances

How to Identify and Treat Hormonal Imbalances
Have you ever felt exhausted, moody, or anxious for no particular reason? If so, you may be experiencing a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances can be caused by a variety of factors—including stress and nutritional deficiencies—and the symptoms can range from mild to severe. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to identify and treat the most common signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalances in women.

Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
The most commonly experienced symptoms of hormonal imbalance are fatigue, depression/anxiety, low sex drive, weight gain/loss, night sweats/hot flashes, headaches/migraines, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility issues, and decreased muscle strength. If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis or they seem to worsen during certain times of the month (e.g., right before your period), it could indicate that your hormones are out of balance.

Treating Hormonal Imbalance
Nutrition plays an important role in balancing hormones naturally; foods like nuts and seeds that are rich in healthy fats can help increase estrogen levels while avoiding processed sugars and unhealthy fats can help keep insulin levels stable which will reduce inflammation throughout the body. Additionally getting enough sleep (ideally 7-9 hours per night) is essential for maintaining good health since sleep helps regulate cortisol (our stress hormone). Exercise is also important since it helps release endorphins which can improve our moods and reduce stress levels. Additionally, reducing exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides or food additives are also very beneficial as these chemicals can interfere with our hormones.

 Finally, you can take certain supplements in order to help restore balance in your hormones naturally. 

Understanding how our hormones work is essential for keeping them balanced naturally without relying on medications. If you think you might have a hormone imbalance it’s important to address it and find natural ways to bring them back into balance. With a proper treatment plan tailored specifically for your needs you will be able to find relief from the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances quickly!

Just when I thought I got a handle on this toxin free life...

Just when I thought I got a handle on this toxin free life...


Delicious and simple, gluten and dairy free breakfast!

Avoiding GLUTEN and DAIRY not only keep us on track with asthma recovery, but also help with or children's behavior and attitude. 

Additionally staying away from gluten and dairy and help with other issues. Our girls are both have their challenges. Language and speech delays, sensory issues and ADD. When we stay on track with a dairy and gluten free diet, they do so much better!

We have quick snacks on hand that are our go to breakfast options. One of our faves is Einkorn Cereal with almond milk. It's naturally gluten free and delicious! Einkorn is fine for those avoiding gluten, but it is not recommended for people with celiac disease.

Another go to breakfast is pasture raised eggs with blueberries and einkorn toast. The girls also love apple slices with peanut butter.

We ran out of cereal, and the girls were tired of eggs, so I came up with a super quick and yummy dairy and gluten free breakfast! The girls love pancakes, but making pancake after pancake when you're short on time, isn't optimal. So we made a baked pancake! We had fresh peaches on hand which made this dish super yummy!

We combined einkorn flour, almond milk and eggs along with vanilla extract, and salt. We then added it to a cast iron pan coated in butter, and topped the skillet pancake with sliced fresh peach, cinnamon and agave mixture.

Baked it and served! It was a huge hit!

Here's the recipe:

1 Tablespoon organic butter
2 large peaches cut into slices
1 table spoon agave
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
3 pasture raised eggs
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 cup einkorn flour
1 drop vanilla extract
1 pinch sea salt

Step 1
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Step 2
Melt butter in cast-iron skillet in the pre-heating oven
Step 3
Combine peach slices, agave and cinnamon in a bowl, gently toss to coat the peaches well
Step 4
Beat eggs, almond milk, einkorn flour, vanilla extract, sea salt together in a bowl, until batter is well combined. Pour into skillet and top batter with peach mixture.
Step 5
Bake 20 minutes and ENJOY!

If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.
Join our FREE Group NOW!

We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.

xoxo Liz

Found this information helpful? Then you you will LOVE my 3 step formula to improve lung health!
Check it out right here!

Ditch and Switch?

Ditch and Switch?
What the heck is Ditch and Switch?

In January of 2015, my friend Angela, told me "it's great you guys eat healthy, but what about all the cleaners and air fresheners you are using daily? Did you realize they have an effect of your health?" She went on to explain that even though we were seemingly healthy, the exposure to air pollution inside of our home, was actually worse than the air pollution outside!

When these facts were brought to my attention, it made so much sense! Dan's asthma and allergies getting worse each year. My weekly and sometimes daily headaches. Irritability and anxiety that we both suffered. And the effect this was having on our dogs... I knew we had to make a change. Ang said "you need to ditch the toxic cleaners and switch to plant based ones!"

 I was so saddened by some of the things I had learned. So, right away we stopped using the blue glass cleaner as our “just about everything “ household cleaner...

Those pups (Daphne and Phoebe pictured above) were our babies before we adopted our beautiful daughters from China. The thought that some of the cleaners we were using had affected our dogs’ health weighed tremendously on me.

Here are some of the things we used on a daily basis:
*Blue all purpose cleaner
*Dryer sheets
*Air fresheners
*Laundry soap with fragrance
*Stainless steel polish
*Granite cleaner
*Oven cleaner/degreaser
*Scented AC filters
*Deodorizing spray
*Hand soap
*Dish soap
*Dishwasher detergent

Not only did these items cost us a pretty penny each month, but they were affecting our health and poisoning our pets. 😢

When we decided to make the shift to plant based solutions, we did it slowly, over time. Little by little, each month.

First - we started with our household cleaner and deodorizing spray.

The next month we added laundry soap, hand soap and dish soap.

The third month we opted for an essential oils diffuser instead of candles and air fresheners. And ordered different oils to try. 

Not only did we save big time on our grocery bill, but we also had the peace of mind knowing we were doing our best for ourselves and our remaining doggies.

I know that the damage we did to our pets, using all those toxic chemicals, was a contributing factor in all four of them dying from cancer. But I am grateful for the knowledge I have now, to do better for our family.

If you or someone you love is suffering, we want to help! We have a community of others, just like you, who are embracing natural ways to improve respiratory health. We share up-to-date resources, to help you navigate the sometimes tricky waters, in learning what foods, products and nutrionals are helpful and safe, and which are not.

We are sharing our experiences with you. Please be sure to consult your doctor.
The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.

xoxo Liz

Found this information helpful? Then you you will LOVE my 3 step formula to improve lung health! Check it out right here!

ditch and switch, toxin free home, indoor air pollution,
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